Site-Related Solutions
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Install Sooner, Reduce Floor Prep, and Virtually Eliminate Moisture Failure
Site-Related Solutions (SRS) provides a way to deal with whatever combination of site conditions a customer might encounter. For renovations, floor prep is a key issue — how much does the site require and can your choice of floor covering help to minimize it? For new construction it’s usually all about how quickly you can install on a newly poured concrete slab. Moisture management is the crucial variable (it can often be an issue with renovations, too). How well does Milliken cushion backing deal with moisture? Better than any product on the market. We say that confidently because we haven’t seen a moisture claim in more than 20 years.
Milliken stands behind all of our cushion-backed modular carpet products with a lifetime warranty against adhesive breakdown due to moisture vapor emissions. Select the warranty below according to the adhesive being used.
Learn more about how Milliken modular carpet can virtually eliminate floor prep and how our modular carpet is a moisture mitigation solution all by itself.
Specification Documents
See below for Section 09 spec documents related to our Site-Related Solutions offering, in addition to Spec Sheets and Safety Data Sheets.