Incorporating 5S Within Your Daily Management System to Drive Sustainment

Incorporating 5S Within Your Daily Management System to Drive Sustainment
作者 : Dede Ericson
What is Daily Management System (DMS)?
The Daily Management System (DMS) is a structured system of management that involves all levels of an organization to work from strategy to execution, ensuring alignment of the entire organization towards common goals and ensure their fulfillment through everyone's daily activities.
Daily Management System, in the Milliken Performance System, has the following 5 Steps:
What is 5S in Manufacturing?
5S is a system used to organize and maintain the workplace environment resulting in improved efficiency and safety, reduced waste, and the elimination of non-value-added activities. The 5S steps are:
- Separate. Sort the “needed” from the “not needed.”
- Simplify. Determine a place for everything and put everything in its place.
- Systematize. Develop the “visual” process to enable inspection that is obvious “at a glance.”
- Standardize. Develop common methods for consistency.
- Sustain. Maintain the gain and continue to improve.

Incorporating 5S as part of daily life means much more than an improved organization, sustained cleaning routines, and efficient flows. Associates are encouraged to improve their overall work environment, reduce waste, and creates a springboard from which other continuous improvement activities can be launched. 5S is predicated on people. It engages associates in “owning” their workspace and helps to instill a culture of quality, productivity, and improvement.
Examples of 5S in DMS for Manufacturing
To ensure 5S sustainment, we must include 5S process in the Daily Management Systems through
- Review and Response
- Standard Work
- Layered Auditing
Review & Response
Review and response are used to manage a process for stability and reliability. Ensure that 5S audit scores are included as a key indicator to maintain control over the process. This helps drive results, accountability, and sustainability with focus on gaps and plans to correct deviations and improve results.
Standard Work
Utilize standard work to ensure 5S expectations and audits are done the current one best way. Create a standardized 5S audit stored at point of use and available for everyone to conduct according to individual standard work schedule. This makes the work measurable, predictable, and improves quality while engaging employees and increasing ownership.
Layered Auditing
The process of layered auditing ensures the right things are being done at the right time at the appropriate level. In MPS, auditing is synonymous with coaching. 5S audits must be included in the layered audit schedule to ensure alignment throughout the organization on the expectations and sustain. Create a layered audit schedule that includes the various levels of the organization at varying frequency to ensure there are open lines of communication and accountability.
How 5S and Daily Management Systems Work Together
Linking 5S and DMS ensures associates know/understand expectations and are held accountable for results that are consistently reviewed. When clarity, accountability, and sustainment exist, this provides a solid platform for continuous improvement. 5S and DMS are foundational elements that help drive the improvement within a team and prevent complacency. Continuous improvement is the key to remaining competitive in today’s challenging business environment.
The Benefits of Incorporating 5S Into Your Daily Management System
We are all too familiar with the chaos of the daily life within manufacturing and in our personal lives. If we can establish a “habit/routine” of 5S then this becomes how we do things. Incorporating 5S practices into your Daily Management System helps to establish/build this habit.
Think in terms of your personal life and how you utilize 5S philosophy to streamline and improve your daily activities.
- Remove empty boxes or containers from your pantry to make it easier to see what you need to purchase on your next trip to the grocery - Separate
- Return your driver’s license to the same place within your wallet, and place your wallet in the same location - Simplify
- Utilizing a kitchen drawer organizer to store forks, spoons, and knives. - Systematize
- Establishing a certain day of the week for grocery shopping or laundry - Standardize
- Wash dishes and clothes every week – Sustain
Simple 5S examples that we incorporate into our daily lives provide the framework for success. This same approach should be applied to manufacturing to eliminate chaos and streamline operations to ensure we can deliver results in an organized manner daily.
Incorporating 5S within your Daily Management System will drive sustainment!
Looking for more information on DMS and how you can drive process improvement? Connect with our team of experts to learn more about our manufacturing consulting services.